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Long-term corn prices affect the market price of lysine

Views : 665
Update time : 2022-12-30 21:17:00

【Market】 or long-term corn prices affect the market price of lysine

First, the overall situation Recently, the acquisition of corn around the difficulty of the increase in lysine production costs have increased, the price of lysine are slight upward trend over the same time, the recent export of lysine on the lysine market situation is also a good good news. Current traders on the lysine content of 98.5% Price 12.8 / kg, individual regions have high quotes and transaction prices, respectively, 14.0 yuan / kg and 13.0 yuan / kg high; lysine content of 65% domestic market price 6.3 yuan / kg. Second, the specific transactions Quotes: Northeast China: Shenyang lysine content of 98.5% Price 13.0 yuan / kg, 65% domestic content of lysine price at 6.4 yuan / kg; Harbin offer made 65% of the lysine content of 6.0 yuan / kg, 98.5% content lysine prices at 12.0 yuan / kg. North China: Tianjin, China-made content of 98.5% Price 12.8 lysine / kg in the vicinity; in Beijing made the market price of 12.9 yuan lysine / kg, or 0.6 yuan / kg, 65% of the content sources quote 6.4 yuan / kg in the vicinity; Hebei Xingtai region lysine content of 98.5% (Dacheng) transaction price of 12.8 yuan / kg, 65% volume content of lysine sold 6.3 yuan / kg. East China: Jiangsu Xuzhou made 65% of the lysine content of the transaction on 6.2 yuan / kg, Jiangsu region is 65% of the price of lysine Huojin firm, but no significant increase in volume, 98.5% domestic content of lysine Price 12.2 yuan / kg in the vicinity; Nantong imports of lysine (Ajinomoto) Price 12.8 yuan / kg; Anhui Hefei 65% domestic content of lysine (Dacheng) Price 6.5 yuan / kg, 98.5% content of domestic supply price of 13.0 yuan / kg; Shandong Jinan supply 65% of transaction price of lysine content of 6.2 yuan / kg, 98.5% domestic content of lysine offer 12.7 yuan / kg; Zhejiang Hangzhou lysine content of 65% (CJ) Price 6.4 yuan / kg near the lysine content of 98.5% in the price of 13.0 yuan / kg (CJ), Dacheng supply price of 12.9 yuan / kilogram; Central China: Jiangxi Nanchang lysine content of 65% of domestic offer 6.2 yuan / kg, 98.5% lysine content of offer 12.8 yuan / kg; Hunan recent stabilization of lysine prices, market demand, general, it is learned that manufacturers offer slightly stable, traders profit margins smaller, 98% of the lysine offer 12.8 yuan / kg, lower price of individual traders, 65% of the lysine offer at 6.0 yuan / kg. South China: Guangzhou lysine content of 98.5% domestic price of 13.0 yuan / kg near the lysine content of 65% of the market price of 6.3 yuan / kg near the Yunnan region has slightly lysine price stabilization, market demand, general, 98% lysine offer 12.9 yuan / kg, 65% of the lysine offer 6.3 yuan / kg. Guangxi improved market transactions today, the majority of active buyers increased, after all, not much stock. 98% of lysine offer 13.0 yuan / kg in the vicinity, 65% lysine mainstream offer of 6.2 yuan / kg in the vicinity. Southwest: 65% content of lysine (Dacheng) Price 6.5 yuan / kg, actual transaction 6.3 yuan / kg, lysine content of 98.5% Price 13.0 yuan / kg. Third, market trend analysis 1. Strong trend of corn prices, the acquisition more difficult. As the increasingly tight supply of corn in Northeast China, corn prices have gone up in last week's auction of government maize Liu covers the details of the Northeast, the Northeast and deep-processing enterprises in east China to further enhance its listed price of corn. Understood that, last Thursday, Changchun Dacheng Corn listing price (standard water) has reached 1820 yuan / ton, or 40 yuan / ton; Shandong Gold price even more corn to 2030 yuan / ton, or up to 20 yuan / ton. 2. Lackluster consumption, the current suspected lysine market, "spent force" and insufficient enthusiasm for the terminal feed mill. Consumption in the domestic breeding industry continued to slump under the influence, continued to rise in the consumption of lysine bound to be restricted. As in the lysine price at 11.7 yuan / kg, when the majority of medium and large feed mill has prepared a substantial inventory, the majority of stock feed plant can be maintained at least a month long, so in lysine prices, inventory relatively abundant, the majority of lysine producers and no real purchase behavior, market-based real deal mostly sporadic. 3. The basic situation of the manufacturer. Clearly, the current strength of the domestic lysine prices mainly due to the upstream supplier production problems repeatedly. Employment within the source said, although there is a lysine in Northwest China manufacturer supplier gradually become normal, but that the factory pre-signing naturally in no hurry to cut prices. In addition, It is learned that a lysine production enterprises in East China, also offer further up the weekend, the 65% of the supply of content and content of 98.5% were raised to 6.5 yuan quote / kg and 12.7 yuan / kg, and the limited sale. In addition, the Northeast is the major lysine producers to supply less than the state. Third, the market forecast In summary, the current domestic supply issues upstream of lysine is the current market price is of course an important reason for the strong continuity, follow-up costs continue upward trend also makes the majority of producers not inclined to cut prices of lysine. The industry believes that the continuing rise in corn prices or the price of long-term effects of lysine.